"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
~Colossians 2: 6-8
CAMPS is a ministry to youth with a mission:
The CAMPS mission is realized through staff members who form a community of people working together. This community is made up of individuals who love Christ, have a personal relationship with Him, and a desire to live and spread His Good News. These individuals are dedicated to their own spiritual growth and to know, love, and serve Christ in many and convincing ways. Worship, personal prayer and devotions, faith sharing, and Bible study are part of their lives. They are unambiguous Christian disciples. They do not live segmented lives, giving some time to God, some time to school, work, or business, while keeping parts to themselves. They live their lives in the presence of God under His authority and for His honor and glory! This is what the Christian life is all about.
We are so grateful to the many families that have trusted us with campers over the years. We value the opportunity to lead them and don’t take lightly the responsibility we have to point them towards God. We come to fulfill a calling to lead students into life changing relationships with Jesus Christ.
He is preeminent in our hearts and central in all we do. We believe Jesus is unrivaled in history and eternity. He is God and He is good; glorious both now and forever. His name is the only name that saves. His power is the only power that can raise us from the dead. Ultimately, we want people to meet Jesus. That is why we say we are CAMPS - Christ As My Personal Savior. We are a Jesus Ministry. A passionate tribe of followers connected by our common faith and a deep desire to tell youth and adults about Christ and how He has changed everything - including their lives, their identities, and their futures.
"The CAMPS experience is like no other - unique, powerful, and done on a level of excellence not common to most summer retreat camps."
"CAMPS exists to inspire teens to live a life with Jesus."
"Great cost. Great atmosphere. I met my wife there. You're crazy not to go!"
"CAMPS puts a high priority on the relationship between leaders and teenagers."
"Teens who participate in CAMPS report that the message of truth that they hear is that they have value, that they are loved personally, and there is a unique purpose in their lives has a powerful impact - and for too many, CAMPS is the first place they have heard it."
"CAMPS is more than a camp; it's a new way of life. Success for CAMPS isn't what happens while the teens are at CAMPS. Success is what happens after their CAMPS experience."
"CAMPS is where God is found by those that seek and those that had no idea He was hunting for them."
"CAMPS provides teens with a fun and fresh environment where they can hang out and learn about Jesus. With over 37 years of experience in creating the best week of a teenager's life, CAMPS is the best choice to provide your church youth group with a Christ centered camp experience that deepens their relationship with Christ and connects them to Him in a new and exciting way."
"Have to experience it. Totally incredible to see so many kids worshipping God...Can't wait 'til next year!"