David Orvosh attended CAMPS for the first time in 1994. Dave served on staff for multiple years. Since then, Dave faithfully gave financially and spiritually to our CAMPS Ministry. For example, when we needed a pirate for a Cinderella Ball - he was our man! He was known at CAMPS for his creative campfire skits, love of props, dancing skills, hospitality, patience, kindness, and faithfulness.
Dave impacted the CAMPS community deeply and spoke life and truth into every relationship and aspect of his life. He was a man who walked in humility before God and others. He lived his life to the praise of the Father’s glorious grace. We witnessed his love for Christ in his service, actions, words, and relationships. When you came into contact with Dave, you experienced the love of Jesus through him. This was the incarnational ministry he lived every day.
Tragically, Dave lost his battle with cancer on August 28, 2022. As a community, we are heartbroken and we mourn the loss of our dear brother and friend. As we look back on Dave’s life, it’s clear to us that he was carried by love — not by a love of his own making, but by the love of the Father in Christ Jesus, poured into his heart through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).
Our hearts are broken in his passing, but we rejoice for him because Dave is now with the One he has loved and served his entire life. He is being loved more than any one of us could do in this moment and is now experiencing the love of Christ hearing, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Everything Dave’s soul ever longed for has become a reality. He sees the very glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. He is now happier than we can even imagine. Dave is now marveling in the presence of Christ. As it is written, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”, the things God has prepared for those who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9).
Dave’s deepest desire was for every individual to know and enjoy a relationship with Jesus. Through his own financial generosity, Dave was able to open the door for many youth to have an opportunity to experience a face-to face encounter with Jesus at CAMPS.
Therefore, CAMPS is excited to launch the official Dave Orvosh Memorial Scholarship Fund in his honor. The mission of this scholarship is to provide financial support for prospective students to attend CAMPS, as was David’s wish. We revel and rejoice in the wonderful life Dave led and how he touched our lives in a unique way. We believe this Memorial fund will continue the incredible legacy of Dave Orvosh, as this will open doors for his deepest desires to manifest year-after-year!
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support for prospective students to attend CAMPS.
All students are eligible for scholarship consideration and all scholarships are rewarded on a first come, first-serve bases. Bus fees are not eligible for scholarship. Before scholarships are awarded, applicants must pay the remainder of their fee on their account.
All scholarship applications are to be submitted via online web form using the links provided. No paper scholarship applications will be accepted.
All scholarship applications must be submitted one week prior to a CAMPS or SNOWCAMPS Retreat.
All scholarships are awarded based on financial need.
Typical amounts include:
Applicants will be notified via email when a scholarship becomes available. Awards will be distributed to the student’s account via the registrar, and an email will be sent confirming the award to the account. Before awards are added onto the student’s account, the remainder of the fee must be paid and the child must be fully registered. Please consult with the registrar for any questions relating to aid eligibility or distribution. The award may be removed from your account if you withdraw from the program, do not participate in the program or the program is cancelled. Awards are non-renewable.
Please note: The number of applications for the scholarship far exceeds the availability of funds. We encourage all students to apply, but applicants should be aware that the likelihood of being awarded is not guaranteed due to the volume of applications.
***Recipients must accept the award and register within 72 hours of scholarship notice